
Yevhen Karpenko


Sista utställningen denna termin av den ukrainska konstnären Yevhen Karpenko.

Välkomna till vernissagen 7 dec kl. 12.45 på Litorina folkhögskola.
Därefter finns möjlighet att besöka vår Lilla Konsthallen mellan 7 dec – 22 dec på måndagar-torsdagar kl. 10-15 och fredagar kl. 10-12.

Utställningen består av två delar.

Part 1
“The beautiful places”

This is a series of pictures dedicated to my stay in Sweden. And all of the pictures reflected my vision of the architecture and colors of Karlskrona, Kalmar, Kristianopol and other beautiful places.

Part 2
”Northern Spirits”

This series of paintings is a perception and understanding of the spiritual and mental state of the northern peoples and their cultural code.
Here you will see a reflection of my feeling of being in this cold, mystical and calm country. This is truly a different state that I am experiencing for the first time.